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By-Laws of the
Tenafly United Soccer Club, Inc.  (TUSC)

Section 1.1:   Name and Address

The name of the corporation shall be “Tenafly United Soccer Club, Inc.,” a not-for-profit corporation hereinafter referred to as “TUSC.”  The club shall be commonly known and may be officially listed for competitive purposes as “Tenafly United.” 


Section 1.2:   Purpose

The purposes for which the corporation is organized are: 

To promote developmental youth soccer for children residing or attending school in Tenafly and Alpine, NJ, through the organization, operation and maintenance of a competitive intercommunity soccer program based in Tenafly, NJ.

To promote and instill the values of good sportsmanship and fellowship among players, coaches and parents through the principals of honesty, discipline, and fair play.

To educate players, parents, and the general public with respect to the game of soccer and the value of the sport.

To serve as a feeder for the soccer programs at Tenafly High School.

Section 1.3:   Incorporation

TUSC is a not-for-profit corporation and is so incorporated under Section 501(a) of the United States Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in Section 501(c)(3).  TUSC is not organized for pecuniary profit or financial gain.    The officers and directors of the Club shall not be individually liable for the Club’s debts or other liabilities and the private property of such individuals shall be exempt from any corporate debts or liabilities.

Section 1.4     Seasonal Year

The seasonal year of TUSC shall begin on August 1st and end of July 31st of the following calendar year.

Section 2.1:   Affiliations

TUSC , its officers, and members shall be affiliated with and governed by these by-laws and by the rules and regulations of the United States Soccer Federation (USSF), the United States Youth Soccer Association (USYSA), and United States Club Soccer.  TUSC is currently affiliated with the Northern Counties Soccer Association of New Jersey (NCSANJ) as the league in which the Club’s teams participate.  The affiliations are subject to change at the discretion of the Club’s board of directors.

Section 2.2:   Co-Sponsorship

TUSC currently participates as a “co-sponsored” organization with the recreation department of the borough of Tenafly, NJ.  The club, its officers, and members shall abide by the requirements of this co-sponsorship as determined by the recreation board of the borough of Tenafly, NJ.  This relationship is subject to change at the discretion of the Club’s board of directors.

Section 3.1:   Financial Ownership

All moneys paid as player registration fees or assessments or as team fees or assessments or raised by any fund raising activity under the name of TUSC or any of its member teams, is the property of TUSC and cannot be dispersed in any manner inconsistent with these bylaws.

The Board of Directors, hereinafter referred to as "the Board," shall decide on any questions regarding ownership or disbursement of TUSC moneys.

The Treasurer shall open and maintain such checking and/or savings and/or investment accounts in the name of TUSC at a bank or other accredited financial institution as may be approved by the Board.

The Treasurer shall be designated as the primary agent of TUSC on all club accounts.

The President shall be designated as the secondary agent on all club accounts.

The Treasurer shall track all club accounts on a monthly basis and shall have available the status of the same at each Board meeting,

The Treasurer shall report and make available at the end-of-year meeting a review of prior year receipts and disbursements.

Section 4.1:   Membership

The membership of TUSC shall consist of players, parents and coaches (including assistant coaches, and managers).  Teams are comprised of boys or girls ages 7 to 17, grouped by birthdates between August 1st and July 31st of consecutive calendar years.  All players must hold a valid player pass for their appropriate age group.  All TUSC players must be registered to the Club with a primary player pass.  Permission to play for TUSC on a secondary player pass must be obtained from the Board.  All TUSC coaches, assistant coaches, and managers must hold a valid coaches pass.  Tenafly/Alpine students in 1st or 2nd grade are eligible to play in the non-competitive U7/U8 Academy.

Section 4.2:   Responsibilities of Members

All members of TUSC are required to adhere to these by-laws and to the by-laws and rules of the affiliated organizations listed in Section 2 above, in all matters pertaining to local, district, interdistrict, regional, national, and international competition or other activities carried out by or under the name of the organization.  This obligation is a condition of membership. 

All members of TUSC are required to acknowledge receipt of and adhere to the current TUSC Code of Conduct and the State of New Jersey Code of Conduct.  Coaches, assistant coaches, and team managers are required to adhere to the guidelines listed in the current TUSC Guide to Parent Coaches and Team Managers.

Section 4.3:   Restrictions on Members

No club member representing TUSC in any capacity shall use or make available for use any data resulting from player or team registration forms without the approval of the Board.  No club member shall use the name Tenafly United Soccer Club, Tenafly United, or TUSC without prior approval of the Board.

Section 4.4:   Member Discipline

A Club member may be disciplined by the Board for reasonable cause, including, but not limited to serious and/or repeated violations of sections 4.2 and 4.3 of these by-laws.

A possible form of discipline is suspension, defined as a temporary prohibition of the exercise of membership privileges.  Suspensions may be for any period of time as determined to be reasonable by the Board.

If determined as appropriate by the Board, a member may be expelled from the Club.  Expelled members may not reapply for membership for a period of one calendar year from the date of expulsion.  Expelled members must receive approval by the Board to become members again.

Section 5.1:   Club Composition

TUSC is organized into several divisions.  These are set forth below and include the following full-year (Fall and Spring season) teams:  boys U8, U9, U10 & U11; girls U9, U10, & U11; boys U12, U13, & U14; and girls U12, U13, & U14.  In Spring only, TUSC sponsors high-school age teams (U15 through U-18).  A non-competitive U7/U8 training academy is offered for players in grades 1 & 2. 

Section 5.2:   U7/U8 Academy

The U7/U8 academy is a non-competitive series of technical development sessions geared towards allowing young players to learn the game of soccer in a fun, but structured environment.  The sessions are staffed with professional trainers, experienced with young, new players.  The academy is run in the Fall, typically from early September through early November.  There are no competitive tryouts for the academy, which is open to all Tenafly and Alpine, NJ 1st and 2nd-grade players.

Section 5.3:   U8 through U14 Teams

Tryouts for U8 through U14 teams are held in late May and/or early June each calendar year.  Returning, current players must attend tryouts each year and are not guaranteed a spot on a team.  Players are assigned a roster spot for a full year (Fall and Spring seasons of consecutive calendar years).  A player may choose to play soccer only in the Fall season and will not be penalized in any current or future tryouts because of that choice.

Tryouts are conducted by an external soccer organization (currently “The Sports Factory”) under circumstances where, as much as possible, players are not otherwise known to the evaluators.  Players trying out may not wear any clothing or other gear that would identify them as a current travel soccer player.

Teams for which roster spaces are available will hold tryouts in March, for the Spring season.  These tryouts will have the same format as those in May/June.

Following tryouts, the TUSC Tryout Committee will review the evaluations together with the professional trainers.  In addition, for current travel players, evaluations from their team trainers and parent coaches will be taken into account.  Overall, these evaluations are the primary basis, but not the only criteria, for the selection of players and placement on teams.  Prior to a player being invited to join a team, the player's application must be approved by TUSC.

Before each set of tryouts, TUSC will distribute information describing the timing, nature, and criteria for the tryouts.  Notice of the tryouts will be distributed to current players, through the Tenafly and Alpine schools, and via Community Pass.  A Frequently Asked Questions document, with detailed information about the tryout process, will be posted on the club website.

Small-sided teams (U8, U9, U10,  U11 and U12) shall be allowed a maximum of 14 players on a roster.  Full-sided teams (U13, and U14) shall be allowed a maximum of 18 players on a roster.

Section 5.4:   U15 through U18 Teams

TUSC shall sponsor high-school-age teams each Spring season.  Tryouts will be conducted after the end of the fall high-school seasons and will be announced through Tenafly High School, via the club website, and via Community Pass.  The format of the tryouts shall be the same as for the younger teams.

Team formation will depend on the level of player interest.  Typically, not every age level will have a team each year.  Teams in this group may have more than 18 players (subject to the rules of the NCSANJ league), but only 18 may be on the “active” roster on game days.

Section 6.1:   Dues

Each player’s family shall be responsible for payment of Club dues for each season in which the player participates.  Dues assist in the payment of the costs of team registration, training, field rental/maintenance, and Club operating expenses.  Dues do not cover team or individual travel expenses, uniforms, tournament fees, or any other additional expenses brought about by team or individual participation in any outside soccer related events.  No player shall be permitted to participate in Club activities until full payment of current dues is received. Refunds are only granted for families relocating out of town or medical reasons.

The Board may grant partial or full scholarships for any player who needs financial aid and petitions the Club.  Such petitions may be done confidentially through the Club president/co-presidents.

The Board may, when finances allow, offer to fund the participation (registration fee only) of each team in one tournament per year (combined Fall and Spring seasons.)  If such funding is offered, but not used by a team during the year, the offer does not “carry over” to any subsequent year, nor may such funding be used for any other purpose than tournament registration fees.  Any travel or other related expenses involved in tournament participation remain the responsibility of the participating players/families.

Section 7.1:   Player Behavior

Each TUSC player and his/her parents shall represent the Club by demonstrating team spirit, self-discipline, and respect for others.  Players must adhere to the appropriate sections of the TUSC code of conduct.  Any member who demonstrates poor or inappropriate behavior will be subject to penalties as determined by the Board.

Section 7.2:   Player Attendance

Each player is expected to attend all games and practice/training sessions scheduled for his/her team.  Players are expected to work on skill development outside of regular team practice sessions. 

Section 7.3:   Player Removal

Players can not be removed from a team during a season except for disciplinary reasons, including failure to attend practices and games.  Removal for such disciplinary reasons must be approved by a majority of the Board.

Section 8.1:   Team Management Structure

Each team will have a paid Trainer appointed from the training partner organizations(s), selected by agreement of the organization(s) and the Board.  Each team will have one US-Club-Soccer-carded head coach, who is responsible for logistics, paperwork, interaction with the league and referees, and support for the Trainer.  One additional person, who may be identified as an assistant coach or team manager, and who is also US-Club-Soccer-carded is required for each team.  All head coaches, assistant coaches, and team managers are required to abide by the appropriate sections of the TUSC Code of Conduct and adhere to the TUSC Guide to Parent Coaches and Managers.  Failure to do so may result in disciplinary actions, up to and including suspension or expulsion.

Section 8.2:   Trainer Requirements

The Board shall choose a training organization(s) to partner with, to provide trainers for all club teams.  The Trainer will be solely responsible for skills and technical training at practices and assignment of player positions and playing time at games.

While the Trainer has broad discretion as to playing time, all able-bodied players on a TUSC team must receive a minimum of ten (10) minutes of playing time in each half of each match.  However, playing time may fall below this minimum or be denied entirely for disciplinary reasons.

Section 9.1:   Board of Directors, Qualifications

Candidates for the Board of Directors of TUSC must be members of the Club in good standing and at least 21 years of age.

Section 9.2:   Board of Directors, Selection

Candidates for the Board shall normally be nominated by a current Board member.  Any qualified Club member who wishes to be considered for nomination to the Board can inform the Club president / co-president or any current board member of their interest.  New Board members are then appointed from among nominated persons by assent of a majority of the current Board.  Nominations for and selection of new board members may take place at any time throughout the calendar year, as the need arises.

Section 9.3:   Board of Directors, Term of Office

Any club member agreeing to accept a position on the Board is expected to serve for a minimum term of one year.  Service beyond the first year does not require re-nomination or re-election.  There is no limit on the number of years a member may serve on the Board.

Section 9.4:   Board of Directors, Resignation

Board members may resign by submitting a written notice to the president / co-president, who will then notify the remainder of the Board.  Unless otherwise specified in the notice, the resignation will take effect upon receipt by the Board.  Acceptance of the resignation by the Board is not necessary to make it effective.

Section 9.5:   Board of Directors, Officers

The officers of the Board shall be:

•           President (Co-Presidents)
•           Secretary
•           Treasurer
•           Division Director, Boys U8, U9, U10, U11
•           Division Director, Girls U9, U10, U11
•           Division Director, Boys U12, U13, U14
•           Division Director, Girls U12, U13, U14
•           Representative to NCSANJ
•           Registrar

These officers shall be selected from among serving Board members, by the majority assent of the Board.

Section 9.6:   President, Duties

The duties of the president (or optionally, the shared duties of two co-presidents) shall include:

•           Preside at meetings of the Board and serve as the Chair.
•           Establish committees and appoint chairs as required to administer and manage the programs and business of the Club, subject to the approval of the Board.
•           Serve as the liaison between TUSC and other organizations.
•           Serve as the general representative of TUSC in all matters.
•           Carry out other duties as from time to time are assigned by the Board.

Section 9.7:   Secretary, Duties

•           Record and publish minutes of all Club and Board meetings.
•           Give proper notice of all meetings and other TUSC events.

Section 9.8:   Treasurer, Duties

•           Prepare an annual budget and present it to the Board.
•           Keep a detailed account of income and expenses of TUSC.
•           Ensure the filing of all income tax returns and/or reports with appropriate state and federal agencies.

Section 9.9:   Division Directors, Duties

•           Act as primary Board contact for team coaches and managers in their division.
•           Ensure compliance of all teams in their division with these by-laws and Club codes and guidelines.
•           Act as the initial Board contact in matters of member discipline requiring Club action.

Section 9.10: Representative to NCSANJ

•           Act as the official TUSC liaison to the Northern Counties Soccer Association of New Jersey, the league in which Club teams participate.
•           Carry out such duties as required by the NCSANJ in representing the Club.

Section 9.11: Registrars, Duties

•           Ensure that all player registration forms are completed and recorded.
•           Complete registration of players/coaches with US Club Soccer and obtain player/coach passes.
•           Provide completed US Club Soccer rosters to teams for use in league games.

Section 9.12: Board of Directors, Duties

The duties and responsibilities of the Board shall include, but are not limited to the following:

•           Conduct all TUSC business in accordance with these by-laws and all other rules and regulations as may be adopted by the Board from time to time.
•           Hear and pass judgment on all requests, protests, and appeals brought forth by any member including any request seeking suspension of any Board member, Executive committee member, coach member, or officer.
•           Approve head coaches, assistant coaches, team managers and trainers.
•           Have full power to deal with any situation not expressly provided for in these by-laws, Club codes and guidelines.

Section 9.13: Board of Directors, Actions

The presence of no fewer than 6 members of the Board shall constitute a quorum and shall be necessary for any formal vote on a specified item of business.

In the event that a quorum can not be physically assembled, a quorum can be achieved by the participation of board members electronically (via phone, text, or e-mail).

The vote of a majority of the quorum shall be an act of the Board

Section 9.14: Board of Directors, Meetings

The Board shall meet no fewer than six (6) times per seasonal year.  Any club member wishing to address the Board at a meeting may do so by notifying the board in writing (includes e-mail) no less than 3 days in advance of the meeting.

Section 9.15: Board of Directors, Executive Committee

The executive committee of the Board shall consist of the officers listed in Section 9.5, excluding the registrars.  The primary duty of the executive committee shall be to act as the tryout evaluation committee.  It shall thus examine the results of the tryouts and the evaluations of current TUSC players and use these data in the creation of teams for the upcoming seasonal year.

Section 9.16: Board of Directors, Indemnification

Board members, to the extent not covered by existing insurance, shall be indemnified by TUSC to the fullest extent permitted by the New Jersey Nonprofit Corporation Act, as may be amended from time to time, for damages, including court costs, legal fees, and other pertinent expenses incurred in legal actions arising by reason of any acts in the performance or nonperformance of duties, in good faith, in the operation of TUSC; provided , however, that such acts are not illegal or otherwise improper.

Section 10.1: Protest and Appeals Procedure

The purpose of the protest and appeals procedure shall be to hear protests and appeals resulting from the game of soccer among players registered to TUSC and to hear protests and appeals pertaining to the TUSC by-laws, actions, rules, regulations and policies as may from time to time, be in effect.

Any individual member, team member, player, coach or team manager may present a protest or appeal to the Board.

The objective of the protest and appeals procedure shall be to provide fair, expedient and just hearing for all protests and appeals.  The Board shall hear and pass judgment on all protests and appeals, and their decision shall be final.

The protest or appeal must be in writing (including e-mail), must describe in detail the grounds for the protest or appeal, and bust be presented to the president / co-president. 

The Board shall review the protest or appeal and shall schedule a hearing within two weeks of the receipt of the protest or appeal.

Section 11.1: Adoption

These by-laws will become effective immediately upon approval by a majority of the full TUSC Board of Directors.  Upon such effective date, they will supersede any and all prior by-laws.




Addendum A:            Tenafly United Soccer Club Code of Conduct



TUSC expects all players, coaches, managers, parents, and spectators to conduct themselves according to the highest principles of sportsmanship and fair play. The following Code of Conduct is the standard of behavior that is expected of everyone associated with the TUSC Travel Program. It is in effect at all practices, matches, and any other Team functions. If the Team is attending a function lasting more than one day, such as a tournament, this Code remains in effect at all times during the stay.


Players/parents participating in the TUSC Travel Program agrees to abide by the standards of conduct outlined below and any additional guidelines established by the TUSC Board that will be presented at Team meetings.

All players, coaches, managers, parents, and spectators will adhere to all rules and regulations and will refrain from illegal and inappropriate behavior that would detract from a positive image of the Club and its Teams or be detrimental to its performance objectives. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:


· Coaches and managers are expected to maintain a higher level of sportsmanship, professionalism, and integrity both off and on the field.

· The coaches’ and managers’ primary responsibility is for his/her players to have fun, to develop soccer players, and to instill a passion for the game.

· Your performance as a coach and/or manager is not measured in wins and losses, but rather in what you teach your players in terms of technique, sportsmanship, and fair play.

· Coaches and managers must have control and discipline at all times.

· Coaches and managers must maintain respect for the game as well as the referees. They will not harass, abuse, or berate the referee during or after the game. They shall not enter the field of play without the referee’s permission.

· Coaches and managers are charged with the responsibility of controlling their players and parents at all times during a game.

· Coaches and managers lead and teach by example; your players will be a reflection of you.

· Coaches and managers are expected to have a basic knowledge of the game and to pursue coaching education that will allow them to better develop their players.

· Coaches and managers should use positive reinforcement when dealing with players, never use foul or abusive language, and never abuse a player physically, verbally, or mentally.

· Coaches and managers are to make sure the fields are left clean when they leave training/practice and games.

· Coaches and managers should not leave a Team function until all players have been picked up.

· Coaches and managers should take appropriate measures to minimize runaway scores in games.


· Players play soccer to have fun, to learn and develop a passion for the game, as well as to improve their skills.

· Players have a responsibility to their teammates, coach, manager, and the TUSC. They are representatives of the TUSC, as well as the Team, coach, manager, parents, and the community.

· Players must maintain a high level of sportsmanship and fair play at all times. They will treat opponents with respect. They will win without boasting, lose without excuses, and never quit.

· Players must have respect for their coach, manager, and the authority of the referee and his/her assistants.

· Players are expected to be on time and prepared for games and training/practice sessions.

· Players shall train and play to the best of their ability, always have a positive attitude, and encourage their Teammates to do the same.

· During practices/training sessions, all players are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that enables and promotes a learning atmosphere for everyone there. Abusive language and behavior, or disrespectful acts toward teammates or coaches, will not be tolerated.

· Insubordination to members of the coaching staff or others will not be permitted.

· Players are required to wear the approved TUSC uniform during all games. Players are expected to take pride in their appearance when representing their Team and the TUSC.

Uniforms must be clean. Socks must be pulled up to the knee to cover shin guards. Jerseys must be tucked in anytime the player is in public view.

· At games and training/practices, Team members must stay with the Team until dismissed by the coach or manager.

· Other acts of misconduct determined by the coaching staff to be in conflict with the mission, goals, and policies of the TUSC will result in disciplinary action.

· Players will play within the FIFA Laws Of The Game and the spirit of the game.

· Players will display self-control in all situations and will not use foul or abusive language at any time before, during, or after a game or training/practice session.

· Players will show respect towards the referee and his/her assistants as well as towards the opponents. They will not harass, abuse, or berate a referee for any reason at any time.

· Players are to make sure that they clean-up their playing area after games and training/practices sessions, picking up all plastic bottles, papers, orange peels, etc.

· Parents/Spectators must set the example for the children by exemplifying the highest standards of sportsmanship.

· Parents/Spectators participate in a game by watching, cheering, and supporting the efforts of all participants of the game. Soccer must be Fun. The game is for the children; their participation and enjoyment of the game is the most important element.

· Parents/Spectators should focus on player’s mastering of soccer skills, not on the win/loss record. Every effort should be made to decrease the emphasis and pressure to win. Avoid the use of fear: love of soccer is rarely fostered by fear of the consequences of failure.

· Parents/Spectators should be mindful that soccer’s primary value is to allow our children the opportunity for physical and mental development as well as teaching an individual to work as a team player.

· Parents have responsibilities to the coach, manager, Team, and the TUSC that they are a part of.

· Parents/Spectators must have respect for their coach and manager. They should never criticize a coach or manager in a public manner. Do not coach from the sideline; let the coach do his/her job no matter how much you may disagree. If there is a problem talk directly to the coach or manager or even the President of the TUSC Travel Program. Supportive parents communicate with the coach and/or manager thereby creating a positive working relationship.

· Parents/Spectators are expected to have respect for the authority of the referee and his/her assistants. They will not harass, abuse, or berate the referee during or after the game. They shall not enter the field of play without the referee’s permission.

· Parents/Spectators are expected to have respect for all players. Cheer in a positive manner, not negative. Encourage your Team; do not berate the other team. Cheer in a way to reward the good play of both teams and promote fair play.

· Parents are welcome to observe practices/training sessions. However, they must refrain from approaching the field while the practice/training session is in progress.

· Parents are expected to be on time to pick-up players from practice/training sessions as the coach or manager is required to remain until the last child is picked up.

· Parents/Spectators are never to use foul or abusive language towards anyone for any reason.

· Parents/Spectators have a responsibility to learn the Laws Of The Game and the spirit of the game.

· Parents/Spectators are encouraged to get involved with the TUSC and help promote the game in a positive way.

· Parents/Spectators must at all times demonstrate the utmost in sportsmanship and integrity; they are the role models for their children. Should TUSC learn that this Code of Conduct has been violated, TUSC reserves the right to discipline the coach, manager, player, parent, or spectator in an appropriate manner



Addendum B:            Tenafly United Soccer Club Guide to Parent Coaches and Team Managers


The objective of the Travel Program of the Tenafly United Soccer Club is to develop soccer skills, team concepts and an appreciation and enthusiasm for soccer. While competitive play is part of the learning process, the winning of games is really only just the focus of game play. It should not be

allowed to become the measure of success.

It is the job of the Parent Coaches and Team Managers to work with the TUSC to make this objective come true.

To promote greater sensitivity to the objective, TUSC asks that all adults involved in administering the Travel Program – Trainers, Parent Coaches, Team Managers, Board members – acknowledge and accept the guidance set forth below

• Playing Time

• Game Plan & Practice Plans

• Instruction of Players

• Positions

• Player Evaluations

• All adults involved with TUSC teams must exhibit behavior that sets a good example for

Parents and Players

• Communication and Responsibilities


Enforcement of Guidelines:

1. Compliance with the objective and the guidance set forth below will be significant criteria in judging the suitability of a Trainer, Parent Coach, Team Manager and Board member.

2. The Club will not permit any person – professional or parent – who fails to accept this guidance to hold a position with the Club.

Playing Time:

1. League games & Scrimmages

    a.   Playing time for all players at league games and scrimmages will be based on the players performance in practices and games.  Playing time will be determined by the TUSC Trainer.  No minimum playing time is guaranteed.  

4. When a team uses “guest” players that are playing up, roster players must start. If more than 11 (8 for small-sided) roster players are in attendance, the remaining roster players will be among the first group of substitutions. All roster players will play more minutes than the guest players.

5. Trainers will reduce playing time for disciplinary or other acceptable reasons, such as continual or unannounced absences from practices or games. Players with unexcused absences as determined by TUSC will be considered guest players with the same playing time restrictions as described in #4.

Game Plan and Practice Plans:

1. Trainers should prepare a plan before each game and practice
a. If the Trainer is not available for a game (regular season or tournament) they are required to prepare a plan that will include game day positions each player. The Parent Coach leading the team that day should follow the trainer’s guidance.

2. Parent Coaches should communicate regularly with their Trainer regarding strategy and player positions.  (Final decision belongs to the Trainer.)
a. Meet pre-game (review strategy) and post-game (debrief) with the Trainer.


Instructions to Players:

1. Instructions to players during practices and games should come only from the Trainer.

2. If the Trainer is not present for the game the Parent Coaches should be the only person(s) giving instructions to the players on the field.

Playing Up:

1. Playing up during the season and cooperating with our fellow club teams is a decision to be made with the player, the player’s parents and the Parent Coaches.


1. U9 – U10
a. TUSC encourages the Trainer to put players in several positions in order to explore their level of confidence at playing in differing circumstances.

2. U11 – U14
a. TUSC encourages Trainers to continue the position rotation of players at different positions but recognizes that such rotation will decrease.


Player Evaluations:

1. At the end of each season the Trainer must prepare a written evaluation of each player.

All adults involved with TUSC teams must exhibit behavior that sets a good example for parents and players:

1. TUSC Trainers and Parent Coaches must exhibit sportsmanlike conduct both on and off the field.

2. Regardless of the outcome of a game, Coaches should recognize the efforts of players.

3. TUSC may consider disciplinary action against anyone who fails to set a good example.

4. At the beginning of the Fall season every travel team family will receive a copy of this Guidance to Coaches. If anyone needed to report a problem, they would contact the appropriate TUSC program VP (Girls or Boys, Full-sided or Small- sided) through email. (Email addresses are on the TUSC website)

5. Parent Coaches are expected to make the club aware of any player or parent behavioral / disciplinary issues. They are also responsible for reporting any in- game infractions by players or coaches that may result in suspensions or fines with the league.

6. Trainers, Parent Coaches or Team Managers who do not follow these guidelines may be removed at the discretion of the Travel Board.

Communication and Responsibilities:

1. Head Parent Coach

            a. Parent Coach Communicates with the Trainer, Parents and Players.

        The PC should Hold a mandatory pre-season meeting with the Parents to discuss the clubs philosophies and expectations. (Trainer and Head Parent Coach should lead the meeting)

                        ii. Liaison between TUSC and the Parents.

                        iii. Liaison between the Trainer and the Parents.

            b. Assist the Trainer on the sidelines with keeping the team decorum at an appropriate level, tracking the game clock, recording substitutions and ensuring the field is clean upon departure.


2. Team Manager

            a. Communicate and support TUSC supplemental skills training during Fall and Spring seasons.

            b. Coordinate schedule

            c. Ensure that any needed changes are communicated to club/league and that any game/practice time/location changes are communicated to Players, Trainers and Parent Coaches.


3. Joint responsibilities

            a. Bring the “Player Passes” and the “US Club Medical Release Forms” to every game.

            b. In the Spring, our players face many competing demands for their time. Many of our    soccer players play other sports, including track, baseball or softball. Inevitably, there are scheduling conflicts during the Spring. Please work with your players to be accommodating as possible. It is against club policy to force players to choose between baseball/softball and soccer, or to tell a player that he or she cannot play baseball or softball if he or she is playing soccer. However, we do still expect that if a player has registered to play soccer in the Spring, he or she will attend games and non-conflicting practices.

            c. Promote team participation with the Trainers in tournaments at the start of each season.

                        i. Must get permission from the travel board to attend a tournament without the Trainer.

            d. Promote and facilitate team participation in winter training.

All Parent Coaches and Team Managers are volunteers and the club appreciates all of your efforts. It should be noted that just as the teams are officially disbanded at the end of each Spring season, all volunteer positions are also re-evaluated each year. As such, no one should assume that the positions of Parent Coaches or Team Managers are automatically renewed. Many factors, including parent feedback, the opportunity for someone else to be involved, as well as others, will be considered in naming a team’s Parent Coaches or Team Manager. The Travel Board will do its best to keep volunteers informed of any issues and concerns brought to its attention or of any planned changes.


Tenafly United Soccer Club Board

Rev. 2020